every month or so, i'll take a brief jaunt to the harris teeter that's a couple blocks from my work. i only grab a few things because i'm walking and there is nothing worse than struggling with too many bags by yourself on the street. except for the creepers in harris teeter. i'm sure there are more, but here are the top three creeper incidents i can recall:
1. after purchasing a few groceries i went to buy a money order (my checkbook is MIA) and had a HT worker come up to me and say, "wow your tights match your eyes, how did you do that?" my response was something like, "uhhhhhhhhh, my tights are grey." i then stared wide-eyed at HT employee behind the counter with a scared expression. apparently this may have been her man because she was not pleased about my tights being a window to my soul. awkward.
2. while looking at peaches in the produce section, another HT patron came up to the peaches. after picking up a few he says to me, "how can you tell if they're ready?" with a sly grimace and stance. i simply said, "they should be a bit squashy," and never made eye contact. squashy seemed like the least sexual word i could possibly come up with, especially in comparison to firm, soft or god forbid, ripe. i thought my annoyed voice and general disdain would throw him off, but instead he said, "i thought you wanted them squashy, that's how i like them." inner monologue went something like this, "OMG wtf is wrong with people! gross! gross! gross!" i quietly rolled my cart away with my nose in the air pretending the whole place stunk, which it now did, with creeptastic cologne.
*image is from trader joes, no creepers there, just telloffs.*
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