bad diagram of a trader joes tell off

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i've gotten some questions about the tell off i encountered at the trader joes parking lot last weekend. the above is the diagram depicting the event which went down like this:

setting: beautiful early spring day, atticus and i decide to venture to trader joes post naptime for a few dinner items. windows are rolled down, sun is shining, music and love are all around.

scene: after driving one mile, we arrive at the trader joes parking lot which is mayhem. there are no spots and cars are very non-subtly stalking people who are walking out of the store to their spot. i keep my cool (surprisingly) and drive up one lane and turn to find an EMPTY parking space next to a filled handicap space to my left and a filled parking space to my right. the space to my left has a man in the driver's seat with an oxygen mask. the space to my right has one of those lowered cars with fancy rims and a greasy guy fixing his front left tire. this man is maybe six inches into the upper left hand corner of the EMPTY space i am about to pull into. as i begin to turn into the space at approximately 5mph (i am not even five percent into the space at this point), an older lady comes running up to my open window and screams, "do you see that man?!?!? you're going to hit him! you're going to get into an accident!" i calmly tell her that i do in fact see him. she then starts up again, "well you're going to hit him, I AM TRYING TO PREVENT AN ACCIDENT!" again, i calmly tell her that i do see him and that she is being a bit rude. she puffs off and joins the oxygen mask man. i sigh, finish parking and unbuckle atty from his carseat. before going into trader joes (with my gd reusable bags!) i stop and talk to the greasy guy who is fixing his tire. i tell him that i did see him and i had no intention of hitting him. i'm about to say have a good day when he interrupts me to point out the scuffs on my bumper and asks for my NUMBER so he can fix them.



  1. Diagram of a scam...

  2. i don't get this story = people are crazy.

    1. people are SO crazy, rachael. i just want to leave my house without getting hassled.


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