A picture of my children once a week, every week, for a year.
Atticus (3 years 9 months 2 weeks): is sleeping in his own bed much more of the time (God bless the 'ok to wake' light!), obsessed with Charlie Brown Christmas and is a bit of a mr. bossy pants at school and I'd be lying if I didn't tell you that I'm a smidgen proud. #theappledoesntfallfarfromthetree
Solomon (10 months 1 week): seems scarily close to walking, has gotten what I believe is his eighth tooth and gave me biggest bear hug when he woke up from a nightmare the other night; like oh mom, I'm so glad you're here. #andthenimelted
he unchanging characteristics of man http://www.marjinalkadin.com/kad%C4%B1n-elit/1301-erkeklerin-de%C4%9Fi%C5%9Ftiremedi%C4%9Fi-10-%C3%B6zelli%C4%9Fi.html