Our wise mamas taught us right. It's important to teach your baby the difference between night and day as soon as possible. During the day, bring the baby downstairs to feed, don't stifle everyday noise, run the vaccum (ha!), play the radio, talk at your normal level, play and talk to the baby if he's awake and engaged and put him to bed in a room with natural light when he's tired. Of course the opposite applies at night. Keep him in his room, away from people, only keep the room lit with a night light, feed him, change him (only if necessary), do not engage and of course, swaddle. Honestly, I try to not even look at Solomon too much because I'll start cooing at this insanely cute 8 pound meat loaf even though I'm pretty sleep deprived. If he wakes up crying, soothe him in his dimly lit room. Because our mamas are geniuses, these theories work beautifully. And Solomon understands the difference between night and day pretty well. BUT we have one disagreement that may require a mediator --- when the day actually starts. Solomon is a firm believer that the day starts after his 4/5 a.m. feeding. He is bright-eyed and bushy tailed after that feeding and ready to coo, chat, smile and play. Of course it's adorable and all that. But every parent would agree that this adorableneds would be even cuter at say, 7 a.m. Please advise on methods to convince Solomon it's still nighttime at 4/5 a.m.
Note: We're not doing anything different to feed, soothe, etc at this time. Also, I do realize Sol is all of 4.5 weeks old (plus three weeks early to boot) and this will likely work itself out naturally, BUT just in case you have the ultimate answer, bring it on.
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