peach-nectarine tart


i made this rustic, free-form tart filled with slightly spiced up peaches and nectarines for a labor day picnic with the family. i've been scared of pie dough ever since i attempted it over a decade ago and it was a big, fat flop. it was too dry, too crumbly and could only be saved by mountains of homemade whipped cream. i'm sure my tense/anxiety-ridden/overly eager 25 year-old self played into the disaster that was that pie. or i really just wanted an excuse to OD on whipped cream.

don't ask nelson, but i think i've mellowed some over the years. and my cooking, recipes and general self are in a happier, more chill state. of course, we all know i still have dinner disaster every now and then. but this crostata was pretty darn rad. this crust had a nice, light, flaky crumble to it, without being dry and the sugar sprinkled on top created a lovely sweet coating that lingered after each bite. the crust even held up to double the amount of suggested fruit.

on another note, this pie stirred an interesting discussion on the merits of rustic desserts and how they really say something about who you are as a person, and not just a baker. our consensus was if you like to make something like this you're probably not a perfectionist and you find beauty in simple things and how they exist in nature without all the fussiness. did we get too deep about our desserts here? probably the prosecco talking.

Recipe: Peach-Nectarine Tart (adapted slightly Food 52)

2 cups, plus 2 tbsps flour
1/4 cup sugar
2-4 tbsps ice water
splash juice (we had none, so i used the juice from a tangerine cup, classy)
pinch salt
1.5 sticks cold unsalted butter (kerrygold or equivalent, it matters), cubed
2 peaches, sliced
2 nectarines, sliced
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg

In bowl one: slice fruit, add 3 tbsp sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, 2 tbsps flour and juice, mix to coat, set aside
In bowl two: add 2 cups flour, salt and 1 tbsp sugar. add cubed and cold butter, breaking up with two forks or your hands if they're not too sweaty. keep working butter into the flour mixture till it resembles peas. STOP. add ice cold water, 1 tbsp ( i needed 3 tbsps total) at a time till dough will hold together. press dough into a flat disc and cover with plastic wrap. refrigerate 30 minutes.
preheat oven to 400
roll out dough into a rough circular shape (remember this is rustic, it ain't perfect)
food 52 says it should be 12 inches in diameter. i have no idea if my tart was that size. i rolled it out till it was the width of the cookie sheet and said, good enough.
spray cookie sheet, add parchment, spray some more. you do not want this bad boy to stick.
add rolled out dough to parchemented and sprayed cookie sheet
add prepared fruit to center
fold over edges and make it seal so the juices stay put
cover the edges with an egg-wash and sprinkle with that last tbsp sugar
bake for about 45 minutes, but keep an eye on it bc the crust can burn. i checked mine every five minutes after 20 minutes and rotated it once but i am crazy.
