we survived the first haircut. it only took about six and a half minutes but the torture level was comparable to or possibly surpassed the manicure. from the moment we walked in, the little man was not pleased. it could have been the piles upon piles of multi-colored hair all over the floor that turned his stomach. it certainly did not sit well with me, but at that point there was no turning back. we were committed. we tried the mini kid car for about five seconds before giving up. i sat atticus on nelson's lap and handed him an apple. the apple proved to be an excellent distraction, even when it got covered in his own hair. the barber was really very sweet and kept telling atticus, "no machine! no worry!" but that didn't stop the howls. i thought this would be a moment of deep sadness for me, my boy growing up and all. i had certainly whined enough about it. but by that point i must have finished grieving because i had to stifle my giggles while doling out fruit and lollipops aplenty. at one point, about three minutes in, i almost told the barber to stop because atticus had the most perfect mullet. but i realized, that should not be my decision. atticus needs to make all his own bad haircut choices, just like the rest of us big kids.
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