i spend way too much time on my iphone. i'm checking email(s), linkedin, facebook, instagram, realtor, the weather, playing words with friends, calculating stuff just because i have a calculator, writing notes and way too much other pointless crap for too many hours every day. i am so addicted to my iphone that i don't even realize i've picked it up most of the time. it's ridiculous. and now atticus is becoming an addict himself. he sees my iphone and charmingly says, "gabba, gabba" to indicate he wants to watch videos, preferably of the yo gabba gabba variety. although, i'm starting to think that "gabba, gabba" is synonymous with asking siri "na na na," deleting icons, calling my mom at 7 a.m., playing games and then of course, dropping my $500 iphone anywhere he feels like it. sigh. the madness has to stop.
new rules for the iphone
1. no picking up the iphone in the car
2. keep iphone out of sight as much as possible from atticus
3. keep iphone out of sight as much as possible from ME on weekends, breakfasts and dinners
4. try to only use iphone when i really need to find something (i.e. check work email!) not out of boredom
5. actually update iOS and apps when necessary
Atticus is always allowed to call Grandma at any time of the day or night!