kitchen disasters

please tell me you've had them too? last night i wanted to make an asian slaw/soba noodle salad. i might as well as wanted to own a dairy queen blizzard machine because that's how unrealistic my wants stacked up to my abilities.

in my defense there were many obstacles stacked against me.

obstacles to cooking success:

1. time. any COLD noodle salad takes time for the flavors to meld and for some reason i forgot this and wanted instant results of complex flavor. so i guess time and patience.

2. ingredients. i thought i could skip some key (read: EXPENSIVE) ingredients but clearly there is a reason these items made the ingredient lists for most of the asian slaw/soba noodle salads i was trying to knock off.

3. mood. i had a rough day yesterday and my heart just wasn't in the cooking. not to be all like water for chocolate but mood really does affect cooking and in this case it was the bland leading the bland.

more attempts at cooking, hopefully successful cooking soon.

image: tvtropes


  1. I agree, the best time to cook is when you have an appetite and you are excited to cook. The opposite of that is starving to the point of crying and/or just not feelin' it.

  2. So maybe I started a fire in my kitchen two weeks ago trying to master thai fried rice.. seriously it was so scary! and the worst thing is i just stood there in shock, my boyfriend was over and he took care of business. No lasting damage except for my pride... agh!

    if you're not in the right mood, just eat take out :)

  3. oh trust me, i am a disaster in the kitchen. trying to just keep to the simple things until i have a big enough kitchen to actually work in.
    xo TJ

  4. I get these grand cooking plans in my head too! It's all about the execution, or something like that. I blame too much Food Network:-) xoxo

  5. I had a similar experience with my first fancy cake. It looked pretty on the outside but the inside was inedible! Everyone has those kitchen disasters, you will come back with a vengeance I know I did! : P


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