damn you anthro

so i can either pay my rent this month

or buy this dress, necklace, heels and bathing suit.

i think i'm going to make avocado fries and think it over.


  1. I say we should go thrifting next time I'm in town with Em and Liz. You'll save hundreds and get the goods. Ya dig?

  2. Though tempting, pay rent. There will always be more clothes, but there may not be an understanding landlord...

    P.S. From your prior post-I craved mango like no other when I was pregnant. I've always loved them, but I could not possibly eat enough of them.

    They are so incredibly delicious-especially in smoothies. And I've heard they make your skin, and hair look amazing.

  3. Haha this is so my daily life. I somehow manage to make it work and do both with fierce determination to find awesome deals (got a fabulous Anthro skirt (originally $88) and the most delicious Anthro leggings (originally $78) for $32 bucks... including tax!!)

    Shop smart and you can have it all Love.

    Hope you have a wonderful day!

    That Girl in Pearls

  4. Jesse- That is why I asked not to get their catalog in the mail. Too much temptation and too little budget.


  5. You are hilarious! You would be the coolest homeless chick I know if you ended up going with all the Anthro stuff ;)

  6. I just hit up an Anthro when I was in Texas and I swear to God every time I go in one I black out and leave not remembering what I bought or how much I spent.
    Evil, evil beautiful Anthropologie...


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