tomato, basil and mozeralla sandwiches.

some things are just meant to be together. bill cosby and puddin' pops. vodka and olives. midnight frasier reruns and couch sprawling. peanut butter and jelly. walking and holding hands. me and my arrow.

and of course, tomato, basil and mozzarella.

it's not like this is really an invention. its a classic from even before cosi coined the acronym TBM. but cosi has disappointed me as of late (bad tomatoes, ew), and well their TBM is on the pricey side. besides that i wanted to bring some sort of app-like food to an oscar party, and i wasn't going to order 5 TBMs and slice them up all cute when i could make them myself.

so i bought a lovely pile of basil, a container of grape tomatoes, a container of mozzarella balls and 2 ready-to-bake baguettes.  oh and some balsamic vinegar, which really makes a nice addition to so many recipes, more to come on that.

also a pre-side note. try to get these ready-to-bake baguettes. they really make all the difference and are actually more affordable and more convenient as you can bake them when you want. be the boss of the bread, buy the ready-to-bake baguettes. ok, down from the soapbox there scheuer.

so once you've baked your baguettes (btw, i have had to check the spelling of the word baguette each time i've typed it, me=not best speller), let them cool for a good 15 minutes. you don't want your tomatoes to get warm (ew, i hate warm tomatoes on a cold sandwich), nor do you want melty mozz or wilted basil. so. wait. for. the. baguettes. to. cool.

in the mean time, slice your teeny tiny mozz balls into fourths, which is sort of martha stewart anal i know, but it really does make the cheese look super cute. basil leaves remain whole, you want the leaf to sort of peek out of the sandwich and say hello. oh and slice the grape tomatoes into thirds.

now cut the baguettes into segments that are about an inch across. brush each side with olive oil and balsamic, top with three little mozeralla slices, followed by three tomato slices, salt and pepper liberally and crown with a crucial basil leaf.

the tomato seeds and juice really do go everywhere!

after assembled, let these chill in the fridge for about 30 minutes or until nelson picks you up to take you to the oscar party:)

zee platter....

btw i didn't die, get sick, depressed or preggers this month, the lack of posts is due to total laziness on my part. hope to make it up to you all this month. aiming for 10 posts. stay tuned!


  1. definitely giving Cosi a run for its money!

  2. yum! disappointing about Cosi. (had to look up disappointing, still not sure thats right)


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