atticus outfit #3

it really was 70 degrees less than 48 hours ago. yes, some insane people at the park we're still wearing jackets and scarves with those little water cooler backpacks that seem perfectly natural during marathons but confusing  for a leisurely stroll with ones family. attticus hydrated by drinking his water, my water and the ice from my delicious vietnamese iced coffee. that's right, i said iced coffee because we're embracing spring and the end of winter and thus iced coffee has a front row seat to my coffee addiction. i even put atticus in shorts (fun!), skipped my jacket and suggested that nelson eat his sandwich on the grass, picnic style. we were the embodiment of spring i tell you. today we've got six inches of snow and i have snowman and hot chocolate plans on my calendar. mother nature really is quite the little bitch.

outfit details: stone roses t-shirt | blue plaid shorts: oshkosh (thank you megan!) | chucks (truth: bought on clearance at marshalls) | hat: target, similar

related: atticus outfit #1 | atticus outfit #2


  1. My new dress has this great slit so people can see those ever expensive shoes that we girls love so much. Beautiful quality material and the price is phenomenal. Thank you so much.


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