i wore this outfit about a month ago when it was way too warm for any sane person to wear a winter coat. this coat was a total impulse buy as only target can necessitate. i wore it all last year and have been staring at it longingly since my mid-august no-more-maxi-dress-blues hit like an overnight pimple. on this particular day it was 55 degrees, but i still i needed to wear it. so i blasted the air conditioning in my car and sipped an iced tea with extra ice throughout my lunch date and ignored the balminess. nbd. what i love most about this coat is the obnoxious and voluminous collar that can make most eyes look past a ratty tee, overgrown bangs and holey jeans with the best of them. oh and the signature tie belt hits at exactly the right spot on the waist if you chose to cinch it. the boots are my favorite boot of all time. i treated myself to them awhile ago and never looked back. i've had to have them resoled once. i walk hard. they go with absolutely everything and are Timeless with a capital T. i've decided i absolutely detest all my blouses lately so i took a sweatshirt from the old navy clearance rack and chopped the sleeves off, theo huxtable style. and don't forget the signature kristin barrlett necklaces. key to any good outfit, weekend or not.
details: coat: target, similar | jeans: AG by anthro, similar | sweatshirt: old navy, similar | boots: frye | necklaces: kristin bartlett
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