the price of a cheeseburger

how many cheeseburgers have you had in your life? i'm thinking at my jesus age, i've had close to 500 cheeseburgers, which averages out to about 15 per year. but how many of those burgers were actually good burgers? no, not like that lame nickelodeon show. i mean like mouth-watering, juicy, perfectly cooked burgers, with the right cheese, fresh toppings and the quintessential soft, smushy roll? easily less than half of them right?

and of that half, how many were cheeseburgers made by your dad, your uncle or your neighbor at a random barbeque? again, at least half right? so now, we're down to the good burgers that you may have purchased in a restaurant type establishment. those probably range from that drive thru mcdowell's burger you had to have at 3 a.m. (yes mom, a cab was driving) after way too many natty lights freshmen year of college up to a dignified rays hell burger on a sunny saturday afternoon, accompanied by fresh watermelon and corn. you're dignified now that you're jesus old remember?

clearly, i have spent way too much time contemplating cheeseburgers. my real issue is this, how do so many random restaurants get away with charging $14+ for a darn cheeseburger that is mediocre at best? and why am i and the rest of the public participating in such sacrilege? when really, i should just go to five guys, spend less than $5 and have a delicious burger that never disappoints? do i have burger issues or should i start a no- more-overpriced-bad-burgers rebellion? who's with me?

Photo from Burgams.
great name for a website right?


  1. Haha, I love when they walk through the door and it hits Louie Anderson in the back and he spills the milkshake!!


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