not to toot my own horn, but these cupcakes are beyond flippin' cute. especially with my spastastic sparkly red hearts and drippy, ooey, gooey frosting. did i mention i passed these out at nelzo's show on v day at good old g hut? yep, that's just the kind of wife i am:D
alright but enough about me, nelzo and the boys put on a rockin' show for all the young kids in love to dance the night away.
almost looks like phil and pat are chatting between the band, but actually outside discussing good lovin'.
so to make cupcakes you need all things mini. first the mini cupcake wrappers.
it helps that they're stamped with love on their derriere. and serve them with overly cute cutesy napkins.
then you'll need to put them in the mini cupcake tin.
but first the cupcake batter and who better than martha of course?
mix one stick of softened butter with 3/4 cup sugar, then add 2 eggcellent eggs, one at a time.
in a separate bowl, mix 1.5 cups flour, 1.5 teaspoons baking powder and 1/2 teaspoon of salt.
in yet another bowl (get your valentine to do the clean up), mix 1/2 cup of milk with 1 teaspoon of vanilla.

now add 1/2 of your dry ingredients to your wet ingredients, then rotate with half of your milk/vanilla delight, add the rest of the dry ingredients and end with the milk/vanilla mixture.
as your oven preheats to the standard 350, fill your mini cupcake tins up with batter.
after about 10 minutes you'll get these results.
i gave the corner left a good stabbing to make sure the cupcake was fully cupcaked (v. technical terminology).
while these baby cakes cooled, i made some pretty standard frosting.
mix 1/2 stick of softened butter, 1.5 cups of confectionery sugar and 1/4 cup of milk.
divide frosting in half.
in one bowl add 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla to make vanilla frosting of course.

in the other bowl and 2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa to make chocolate frosting.
frost away on those cupcakes and make sweet free form hearts similar to your own.

these scrumptious ladies were gobbled up mid show by hungry and happy audience members.
hope your valentine was as sweet to you as mine was to me.
How sweet is this?