when i first got out of college i thought i needed two completely different wardrobes. one for work and one for life. and never the two should meet. as you probably don't want to imagine that ranged from ill fitting, semi-shoulder-padded suits to over-sized, holey overalls that i sort of wished i still owned and all the bad late 90s/early 2000s trends in between. it wasn't pretty. it feels like i have a bit more of a crossover in my wardrobe now. most items can be worn for work or play, besides the elastic waist pants, of course.

work outfit # 1 is something i wear every couple of weeks with different accessories depending on the season and my moodiness. i've added ribbed tights, motorcycle boots and a polka dot suit jacket when i was feeling like a preppy bad ass. i've added hot pink cork wedges, braided gold hoop earrings and a turquoise corsage-like pin when i needed it to be spring, goddammit. and now it's fall and i'm treading water in the do-i-wear-tights-or shave-my-legs pool. these booties hid my unpedicured toes very nicely and bonus that they're totally rad and go with everything i own. they're not, however, especially comfortable for walking long distances. they're more comfortable for say sitting. or maybe walking to the kitchen to get some free chocolate. when i told nelson that last bit he looked at me like i was mental. men just don't understand that the especially cute aspect of these booties is the only rule that counts.
details: black pencil skirt: tahari but from tj maxx, similar | booties: target | chambray: old navy | stretchy belt: vintage, junction, similar | black bobble earrings: old navy, similar | goody hair clip
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